Worthless Creation
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Rust In Your Head

I wanted to live as a Delphi guru, but somehow my work would let me set aside that goal and focus on PHP programming.

This morning Jeffrey SMSed me. He inquired "How to make a textbox that its text is written right-justified?". I simply know the answer. You have to use the TMemo component and trick it to make it look like a TEdit object. Funny though is that it took me minutes to figure out what to do.

Thinking of this, I asked Carlos if he knows how to do this one. He said there are plenty of ways. What we really wanted would be the quicker way, since this is just a sort of "test" whether we still have our minds in Borland Delphi programming. It took us 15 minutes to make a test program. We did the right thing, but somehow there's still something that we missed.

Eventually, I happened to look up at the properties window. There in the TMemo object there's a property that would solve all our problem without doing programming.

Darns! It took us a quarter of an hour to figure that out. After doing so, we just looked at each of us and shook our heads. It's really hard when you're not practicing your field of interest. It can merely show that somehow in vernacular terms "GITAYA NA IMONG UTOK".


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