Worthless Creation
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Goodbye 2006

Before anything, I thank my Awesome God for all the things He has done for me .... from a worthless life to a purpose-driven life.

Two days more and then we are now to increment our year. I'm not yet to post here my "resolution list" 'coz I'll be waiting for New Year's day to do it (at least that maybe if I start my year right I might be able to post articles on a daily basis - I hope).

For this year, many things came in my life .... be it bloopers or not. This year really was a challenging one. I had made a good testimony for my life, and many were amazed at it (and some feel bad at it). I am now attending VCF (Victory Christian Fellowship) services and even join small group meetings with my newly found friends in VCF. I now barely join drinking sprees, and I got rid of the nicotine and caffeine addiction. Thanks to many people also, I am doing my best to live a healthy life.

Happy holidays everyone, and for the next two days, it will be a Boom Tarat Tarat for all!!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Decemberfest, But A Disasterfest For Some

For a very good reason I will not be posting my Bohol escapade pics and as well as our paintball fights for November.

So the air now crisps for December, in which people are preparing for gifts, thinks of food and celebrations, and reunions as well. In this month also, the 13th month pay will be given (and hooray I'm waiting for it).

I just saw the news and I feel sad about Albay because of "Bagyong Reming" leaving behind casualties in the area. As of now, almost 300 lives are lost, and there are many that are still missing. Many households are broken down, hoping they could start a new life and still feel the goodness of the season of Christmas.

We hope that the government will tend for this disaster. I think the NDCC's trying to do something about this, and we hope that everyone will be catered. Let us all pray for those people affected, and we pray that they will be in good hands.

"If one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you." - Leviticus 25:35