Statement Contradictions
We had a conversation with Mark, Richelle, Dawn and Lauren on "being sexy". I was stunned that on our conversations, it turned out that one statement in which toppled by another will eventually have a statement that contradicts to what they stand. Got it? Here's a citation:
Me: What's sexy for you?
Someone: Someone's sexy for me when he has the brains. Physical views are just taunts that for a certain time it will lose its "definition".
Me: So is Piolo Pascual sexy?
Someone: Physically yes he is really sexy.
Me: So it contradicts to what you said that physical views doesn't matter?
Someone: Well, after all I don't know him much, that's why I find him sexy on that aspect.
See? Even with a conversation like that really tells us that there are instances that we can't support our argument and eventually contradict it whenever you try to taunt someone. It's pretty obvious nowadays that people tend to shift themselves from their views of life so as to "fit". Even me, I have views in which I cannot support and eventually change my views once I am being tested.
Geez, it's pretty long (a week) that I haven't posted a blog. A hypothesis can be formulated that having an entertainment showcase at home (like TV/DVD) could really make you lazy on things and just be a couch-potato. Gosh!