Snoring is the act of breathing through the open mouth in such a way as to cause a vibration of the uvula and soft palate, thus giving rise to a sound which may vary from a soft noise to a loud unpleasant sound. This most commonly occurs during sleep.
The cause of snoring is some kind of blockage in the breathing passage. Those blockages can be of many kinds—here are just a few:
- Tongue falling into the throat
- Allergies
- Throat weakness causing the throat to close during sleep
- Mispositioned jaw, often caused by tension in muscles
- Fat gathering in, and around, the throat
When the airflow in the breathing passage becomes irregular due to a blockage the soft palate may start flapping. This flapping of the soft palate is what makes the snoring sound.
Just can't help it .... when I tend to "sleep" at the office I begin to snore (and it's kind of a loud one). I can hear that I did that, and I look at the faces of my officemates who are now laughing at me. At home they say I snore like a cruise ship. OMG! If I have a wife and I snore that hard maybe a divorce will follow.
I think I have the above causes in me. How I wish I can sleep soundly without snoring. They say that you snore because you are tired and stressed (in which I can always say that because I always look tired and I do stress myself), but I think this is because I am fat.
Oh well! A solution: GET A GOOD SLEEP. Don't slack off in work so that you don't feel tired and sleepy. Have a healthy diet, and always keep yourself fit!
Am I dictating or mumbling?